Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Surgery Rescheduled

We received a call today from Children's Mercy regarding Aspen's surgery. It was originally scheduled for May 16th but they told us that they were able to get her in May 8th if we'd like to take it. Of course we jumped at the opportunity as we are so anxious to get this behind us.

So far we've been told that the surgery will last 3-5 hours and that she will be in the hospital anywhere from 5-15 days. They will be giving us more details the week before, so we'll be sure to keep everyone posted.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I received a phone call from my mom about a month and a half ago telling me that there was concern about the health of my niece, Hannah. She's the third baby of my sister, Keri and her husband Chris, and she's only a month and a half older than Aspen. Their pediatrician had noticed some spots on Hannah's skull that had him a bit concerned. So he referred them to a craniofacial specialist. Their pediatrician explained that the best case scenario would be that Hannah would have to wear a helmet. Worst case could involve surgery. This was terrifying to our family! So we did all we could do...we prayed.

They were finally able to get in to see the specialist today, and praise God for answered prayer, the doctor told them that Hannah was completely fine and to take her home and enjoy her. Wow!! What an amazing God we serve!

Our adorable niece, Hannah

A mini laugh

Her first laugh!


Monday, April 16, 2012

New wardrobe!

Having sisters with kids is wonderful in so many ways. They're always there for me when I have questions or need guidance. In fact, I even gone as far as to text them a picture of her poop to make sure it looked "normal"...don't you wish you were on the receiving end of that one!

From a financial perspective, having a sister who has two little girls is awesome because every time they outgrow their clothes, Aspen inherits them. She practically gets a new wardrobe in the mail every few months! Here's what arrived in the mail today:

Saturday, April 7, 2012


After several weeks of Aspen staring intently at us while we ate we decided it was time to giver her her first taste of "big girl" food! So today we mashed up some avocado and let her explore. The grin on her face says it all!


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Surgery Officially Scheduled!

We can now see light at the end of the tunnel!  Today, we received official confirmation that little Aspen's surgery has been scheduled for May 16, 2012.
While we are still nervous heading into her big day, we are also very relieved that this special day has officially been circled, starred and X'ed out on our calendars!  After four and a half months of continual worry relating to "watching for signs of turning purple, rapid breathing, excessive sweating", we are so thankful that the medical staff at Children's Mercy has been cleared to treat Aspen's heart.  We continue to pray for her miraculous well-being, and we praise God for His amazing grace!