Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Surgery Progress - Day 7 and NOW AT HOME!

Approximately seven days after open heart surgery, Aspen is now back home!  Talk about a speedy recovery!  From fighting off potential germs and infections to healing the heart muscle after a complex surgery, the human body is remarkably resilient...

What a special week it has been for our family... we have made many new friends and cannot express enough gratitude to our CMH medical community.  While the week started with tears and the fear of the unknown, we ended with lots of smiles and laughter.  These are the times you simply cherish, and will remember forever. 

We cannot thank each and every one of you enough for your continued support.  We will have more updates very soon! 

May God bless you all!

P.S.  Aspen sends her love to all of the staff at CMH.  She was all smiles leaving the Sutherland Tower early this afternoon.


  1. I am sooooo Happy to hear this news!!!!!!

  2. WONDERFUL! She's a strong one!

  3. You don't know me. I've just read your story. It is lovely! I especially loved the first date blog :)
    Praying for your family!

  4. Way to go Aspen. What a little sweetheart! Praying for each of you and rejoicing in the Lord for Aspen's speedy recovery. Why are we so amazed when God gives us what we ask for? Maybe it's because He gives us more than we could ever imagine.

  5. yayyy!!! go aspen!!! love her smiles!! :)

  6. Awwwww! That big smile says it all. Way to go, Aspen! Way to go, Matt and Amy! Way to go, CMH! And way to go, God!!! Amazing...

  7. She looks beautiful and so happy!! We're completely thrilled that all went fantastically! (And what a perfect Mother's Day gift for Amy- yay!!) Congratulations!!! We can't wait to see you all this summer! Give Aspen a big hug and kiss for us and tell her we'll see her soon! Lots of love to you all!! Love, Heather and Will

  8. We have been anxiously awaiting the news of her return home. Thanks for the update and Praise God for answered prayers. Enjoy all the hugs, kisses, wakeful nights, smiles....enjoy your dear Aspen!
